Strong earthquake in Washington and New York

8/24/2011 04:04:00 AM | , , , , ,

Earthquake in Washington and New York, the Pentagon and Congress evacuated as people panic to the streets in New York. The epicenter was 150 kilometers from the capital, Virginia, but was also heard in Martha's Vineyard, the island on which he is spending his vacation, President Barack Obama. The Big Apple is not considered prone to earthquakes, but the tremor of magnitude 5.8, has driven down the street by people who have left the skyscrapers, where the upper floors, he danced a lot. 
In Brooklyn, fell an old chimney. The quake was so strong that you felt up in Toronto, Canada.
At the Pentagon, people immediately thought of an attack, the evacuation was taken immediately to the strong tremor, came only after the assurance of the earthquake. There is some damage, the pipes are blown. So much fear in the capital, but no reports of injuries, say firefighters in Washington that launch updates via Twitter. There was no damage at the National Cathedral, some buildings damaged. Were evacuated as a precaution the offices of CNN's capital. Phones do not go to Washington, problems in New York and half of America.
The earthquake was felt on Wall Street as well, that even in these days has seen every kind of shock. The speaker also ensures that everything is under control, calling to continue bargaining, that do not stop.
Stop for a few hours instead of the flights in New York and Newark, Philadelphia and Washington.

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