Apple, Steve Jobs resigns as CEO

8/25/2011 08:58:00 AM | , , , , , , ,

Steve Jobs resigned yesterday from his position as CEO of Apple and passed the leadership of the company to his right arm Tim Cook, saying he could no longer honor its commitments in an announcement that raised concerns for his health.

Jobs, who has fought and survived a rare form of pancreatic cancer, the last four years has revolutionized the world of technology with the iPhone and iPad. And 'considered the heart and soul of the company that just this month, has become the most highly capitalized companies in America.

"I always said that if it had arrived the day when I could no longer cope with my commitments as CEO of Apple, I would be the first to say so. Unfortunately, that day has arrived," he wrote in a brief Jobs, who becomes now president of the company.

The surprise announcement shakes the title, which has lost up to 7% in trading after the stock market.

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