Gaddafi wants to start a guerrilla war

9/01/2011 03:22:00 PM | , , ,

The former Libyan strongman run, Muammar Gaddafi, said he wanted to launch a "guerrilla" to fight the rebels, excluding totally go in two audio messages broadcast within a few hours Thursday by television Arrai.
"Get ready for a war of gangs and guerrillas in urban warfare, and popular resistance in each city (...) to defeat the enemy everywhere," he said in a message in the evening and where his voice seemed calm and collected compared to his speeches usually inflamed.
"The objective is to kill the enemy wherever he is, whether Libya or abroad," said Gaddafi, who persists in his defiance as he is hunted down by the rebels since the fall of his headquarters in Bab al-Aziziyah in Tripoli on August 23.
These two records happen on the anniversary of the coup that brought Gaddafi to power in September 1969 and the first day of a meeting in Paris of the UN and major powers that have drawn a road map rebellion, immediately releasing $ 15 billion against the promise of democracy and reconciliation.
Meanwhile, Paris, London and NATO have said that the international military operations would continue as Muammar Qadhafi remains a threat.
"I call on the Libyan men and women, to prepare for resistance, a long war that was imposed on us," he told Muammar Gaddafi. He accused the countries participating in NATO operations of "wanting to colonize Libya, and get their hands on its oil and water."
"Colonialism is that Libyans are killing each other, means the submission of the Libyans, but we will never submit, we prefer to die," he said.
"We will never allow our wells and our ports are under their control, and our resistance will grow," he said, asserting that "all of which are armed tribes will fight by our side."
"No region will accept to be subject to your aircraft," said Mr Gaddafi, referring to NATO, which helped the rebels in the conflict, launching air strikes on the positions of forces loyal to the regime.
"The struggle continues, we are ready for a war long, long, long until we vainquions," he said. "Do not expect that we leave our land (...) and no doubt will be won this war, this act of evil."
In a message broadcast in the afternoon by the same television based in Damascus, Gaddafi said he would not surrender. "We we will not. We are not women and we will continue the fight. If they want a long battle, whether it be long. If Libya (...) burns it burns".
He said that the rebels could not take control of its last bastions. "Who can submit Bani Walid (south), Sirte (east) or Tarhouna? These cities are home to tribes armed and no one can govern without the consent of Libya."
This is the sixth audio message from the former Libyan leader since the assault on August 20 by the rebels in the capital Tripoli they control.
In Tripoli, Ahmed Darrat, in charge of the Interior in the executive branch of the National Transitional Council (CNT), the political arm of the rebellion, said that Gaddafi's speech is "desperate and miserable."
August 24, the rebels announced a reward of nearly $ 1.7 million for the head of Muammar Gaddafi, dead or alive.
Thursday, Vice President of CNT, Abdel Hafiz Ghoga said it could be at Bani Walid, southeast of Tripoli. The rebels also cited Sirte region of origin of the Libyan colonel still in the hands of pro-Gaddafi, one of the possible refuges from the former leader.
On 1 September 1969, the "Movement of Free Officers unionists", led by Muammar Gaddafi, had put King Idris and established a Council of Revolutionary Command.

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