Gluten Free Diet. It save??

3/29/2011 12:54:00 PM | , , , ,

Do you know anyone who follows a gluten free diet? If not, then you do now, because I follow a gluten free plan myself. In fact, the gluten free diet is actually one of the latest celebrity diet crazes as well. What is the gluten free diet and what famous names follow it?

- A gluten-free diet is one that excludes the protein gluten. Gluten is found in grains, such as wheat, barley and rye.

- A gluten-free diet is used to treat celiac disease, helping to control the signs and symptoms and prevent complications. Following a gluten-free diet may be frustrating initially because just about everything, it seems, contains some amount of wheat. But there are creative ways to keep the costs down.

- Fresh gluten-free foods. Rather than try to buy gluten-free versions of your favorite foods, change your focus. Fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, poultry and fish are all healthy, delicious and gluten-free. Focus on planning a gluten-free menu based on those foods. Pound for pound, they offer a lot of nutritional value for the buck, compared with refined, processed gluten-free products. Amy's Kitchen's website  

- Become a mixologist. You can purchase gluten-free mixes, but they're expensive. Make your own by following recipes found at the websites and Recipe Goldmine. Type in "gluten-free mixes" in the respective search bars. You're going to save a lot of money, plus when you make your own gluten-free flour mixes, you can customize them to your own tastes and nutritional needs.

- Use coupons. Despite the fact that you may have heard it's impossible to find coupons for organic and gluten-free food products, Kathleen Reale of says that's not true. Visit her site for printable coupons, sources for samples and interaction with others with gluten problems and food allergies.

- Shop the sales. Many people, I'm learning, suffer from celiac disease and find it necessary to buy more organic foods, which can add to the cost of this specialized diet. But that doesn't mean you should pay the full price, even for organic food. Many retailers that specialize in organic products -- such as Sprouts, Whole Foods, Wild Oats and Henry's -- have regular weekly sales. Work these stores as you would any supermarket by perusing the weekly fliers, making a list and buying what's on sale. And when it's a really great sale, buy enough to last until the next time it goes on sale.

The gluten free diet consists of eliminating foods that contain gluten, which is a protein found mainly in wheat products. It is hard to digest for many people, and even more detrimental to those who suffer from celiac disease.
There are quite a few celebs who stick to a gluten free regime, most notably Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who wrote a book called “The G-Free Diet.” She chose to share her story after battling health problems, which were ultimately diagnosed as celiac disease.
Other stars who are fans of the gluten free diet include Zooey Deschanel and Gwyneth Paltrow. Jenny McCarthy also endorses the diet, and insists it helped her son’s autism.
Would you ever give the gluten free diet a try?

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